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23rd Nitrate Film Festival

Yugoslav Film Archive, 1 Uzun Mirkova St.
6-15 June 2021


Although COVID-19 pandemic, a terrible disease that took lives of our family members, cousins and friends, as well as numerous significant persons from film industry, is slowly subsiding, culture cannot stand still. Thus we have decided to organize the 23rd Nitrate Film Festival in Jugoslovenska kinoteka in its old, established term for decades (6–15 June), with a simple slogan – Nitrate 23.

Ernst Lubitsch, Mikhail Romm, Leitão de Barros, Julien Duvivier, István Gaál, Allan Dwan, Vittorio Cottafavi, Wilhelm Dieterle, Jean Epstein, Otakar Vávra, Raymond Bernard, Dziga Vertov, Youssef Chahine, Jacob and Luise Fleck are the names of distinguished film authors whose films will contribute to the importance of this year`s Festival. In versatile and divers program with an abundance of various genres and films, of which many will have their Serbian premiere, we shall present thirty-six films from twenty-six film archives from Europe, Japan, Egypt and United States of America.

It is our greatest pleasure to be able to organize screening of eight films discovered in recent years in the Yugoslav Film Archive Nitrate Fund, among which the most significant one is the film The First Vuk`s Convocation in Trsic 1933. Unlike last year, we have finally had an opportunity to invite over twenty guests from the neighbouring countries and beyond, with whom we shall exchange impressions and views on future of film archives in light of all that have happened to us in the last fifteen months, along with watching masterpieces of world cinematography.

That is why we are honoured and pleased to invite you, for the twenty third time, to Jugoslovenska kinoteka cinema theatres (this time to the cinema theatre in Uzun Mirkova no. 1), where together we shall enjoy the beloved world of motion pictures through the film time machine.

Aleksandar Saša Erdeljanović
Director and Festival selector